I realize that I'm writing a lot here about Haiti, because that country and its people are in the news and in my heart.
That's one of the things about going to Haiti--meeting the people, seeing the smiling faces and hearing the laughter of the little ones, worshiping with people of such strong and vital faith in God--you never leave Haiti; Haiti never leaves you. You carry it with you, close to you.
So, I'll go on writing about Haiti and other topics, perhaps even about this year's Trinity Institute at Trinity Wall Street, New York City. I'm in the City now, after arriving late last night following a six hour delay at the airport in Chicago.
I'm looking forward to hearing what Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has to say about economics and justice.
In a just world, Haiti would not have been in the shape it was before the earthquake: the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.
As one of the baptised, I'm working for a just world. Follow the link below and hear my sermon from Sunday on, you guessed it, Haiti. http://homepage.mac.com/asorenso/.Public/012410c.mp3
I appreciate the sermons about Haiti and would like to hear more. I think Christians, and American Christians in particular, can learn a lot from Haitians.